Category Archives: Oral Surgery

Wisdom tooth removal

wisdom teeth removal in VikaspuriWisdom tooth removal 

The Wisdom Molars are usually the last four of 32 teeth on the surface in the mouth, usually making their appearance between the ages of 17 and 25. In most cases, the lack of space in the mouth does not allow the wisdom teeth come in properly. The Wisdom Teeth can then acquire a potentially damaging position. If left untreated, wisdom teeth can contribute to infection, damage to other teeth and other problems.

In most cases, the lack of space in the mouth does not allow the wisdom teeth to erupt properly. When this happens, the tooth may become impacted (stuck) in an undesirable or potentially damaging position. If left untreated, Wisdom Teeth can contribute to infection, damage to other teeth, and possibly cysts or tumours.

There are several types or degrees of impaction based on the actual depth of the teeth inside the jaw:

Impact of Soft Tissue: The upper part of the tooth (the crown) has penetrated through the bone, but the gingiva (gum) covers part or all of the crown of the tooth has not been properly positioned around the tooth. Because it is difficult to keep the area clean, food can get trapped under the gum and cause infection and / or deterioration of the teeth, resulting in pain and swelling.

Partial Bone Impact: The tooth has partially exploded, but a portion of the crown remains submerged below the gum and the surrounding jaw bone. Again, because it is difficult to keep the area clean, infection will commonly occur.

Bone Impact Complete: The tooth is completely enclosed by the jaw. This will require more complex disposal techniques.

Reasons to remove wisdom teeth

While not all wisdom teeth require removal, wisdom tooth extractions in Vikaspuri are most often carried out because of an active problem such as pain, swelling, decomposition or infection, or as a preventive measure to avoid serious problems in the wisdom tooth. future. If the impaction of one or more teeth is present, and is not treated, it can produce a series of potentially harmful results, including:

Damage to adjacent teeth: second molars (the teeth directly in front of the Wisdom Teeth) can be adversely affected by Wisdom Teeth, which causes tooth decay (cavities), periodontal disease (gum disease) and possible loss of bone mass.

Diseases: Although rare, cysts and tumours can occur in the areas surrounding the wisdom teeth.

Infection: Bacteria and food can get trapped under the gum tissue, resulting in an infection. The infection can cause a lot of pain and danger.

Facial Trauma

Facial Trauma Treatment in VikaspuriFacial Trauma:The oral & maxillofacial surgeon performs the treatment of facial trauma. We are expert professionals in emergency care, the immediate and long-term treatment of facial reconstructions not only for physical but also emotional reasons. The surgeons are prepared, trained and uniquely qualified to handle and treat facial trauma. The science and art of treating these injuries requires special training that includes practical experience and an understanding of how the treatment provided will influence the long-term function and appearance of the patient.

Facial traumas include:

  • Facial lacerations.
  • Intraoral lacerations.
  • Fractured facial bones (cheeks, nose, eye cavity)
  • Fractured maxilla (upper and lower jaw)

The Nature of Maxillofacial Trauma

There are several possible causes of facial trauma such as traffic accidents, accidental falls, sports injuries, interpersonal violence and injuries due to work accidents. The types of facial injuries can be classified from dental injuries to extremely serious injuries of skin and bones of the face. Typically, facial injuries are classified as minor skin lesions (skin and gums), bone injuries (fractures) or injuries in a special region (such as the eyes, facial nerves or salivary glands).

Orthognathic surgery

orthognathic surgery in VikaspuriWhat is orthognathic surgery?

The orthognathic surgery in Vikaspuri, Delhi is a surgical procedure that ensures correct deformities dento-maxillofacial skull to achieve the perfect balance between all the facial features of the patient. This type of facial alterations appear in the growth phase of the person and stabilize at the end of it.


When a patient who is a candidate for orthognathic surgery goes to the dental clinic in Vikaspuri, the medical team performs a complete analysis of his face. All the elements that compose it are studied exhaustively: jaw, maxilla, zygomatic bones, nose, orbital regions, teeth and all the soft tissues that cover the facial skeleton and the cervical region.

In the same way that all these components form an indivisible whole, the maxillofacial surgeon in Delhi must also assess morphology and function together. Thus, when attempting to harmonize a face, the whole dento-cranial-maxillofacial complex with its various aesthetic and functional elements must be evaluated holistically. The best dentist in Vikaspuri conceives functionality and aesthetics as a whole. 


Orthognathic surgery has a close relationship with the orthodontics. Thus, the correction of dento-cranial-maxillofacial deformities is always teamwork between the orthodontist and the maxillofacial surgeon in Delhi.

In the conventional treatment scheme, orthodontics-orthognathic surgery-orthodontics, the mission of presurgical orthodontics is to eliminate the existing dental compensations and provide the surgeon with a stable and adequate structure between the upper and lower arches to carry out the planned skeletal movements. For its part, postoperative orthodontics is essential to establish an adequate final occlusion.

The maxillofacial surgeon in Delhi of the clinic is coordinated with the best orthodontist in Vikaspuri. During the treatment of a case susceptible to orthognathic surgery, both professionals, maxillofacial surgeon, and orthodontist in Janakpuri make sure to know the essential aspects of diagnosis and treatment. In addition, they must agree fully on the proposed treatment and the way of carrying it out so that the patient accepts it with full confidence.

Sinus Lift

Sinus Lift

On many occasions, patients who require dental implant in Vikaspuri to replace lost dental pieces, have significant losses of bone mass that prevent the immediate placement of the implant.

This fact has led to the development of different methods of bone reconstruction, among which is the elevation of the maxillary sinus. It is a procedure whose suitability should be assessed by the dentist in Janakpuri, according to the diagnosis on the state of the patient’s bone mass in the place where the implant should be located.

The elevation of the maxillary sinus is a technique that takes advantage of the existence of two natural cavities on both sides of the nasal passages. Its size varies according to the individuals, and its modification is used when the person lacks sufficient bone to place implants in the posterior area of the maxilla.

It is an intervention that is not particularly traumatic but requires a good command of the technique. As can be seen in the video that illustrates this information, it consists in elevating the membrane that separates the maxillary or sinus to introduce more bone mass, which will then allow the artificial piece to be implanted. The bone provided can come exclusively from the patient or be mixed with different biomaterials that fulfil the same function as the original bone mass.

As a result, a sufficient volume of bone is obtained to be able to place the implants without this implying any visible effect on the facial structure of the patient.

We have already indicated that it is a surgical technique that requires great precision. But if performed as expected, the possible complications, such as sinus membrane perforation, infections or the involvement of a nerve, are very rare. In the event that they happen, there are different techniques to correct them. It is even possible to repeat this type of intervention if there is reabsorption of the bone mass introduced into the maxillary sinus.

Given the high success rate and its versatility to approach the implantology of premolars and molars of the maxilla, it is a technique that has gradually become a habitual procedure to recover the bone necessary for implants. The best dentist in Delhi will recommend if it is the most appropriate for your case.

Bone Grafting

bone grafting in VikaspuriBone Grafting: What is a bone graft?

In dentistry, bone grafting is a surgical procedure consisting of the placement of a bone filling material and a biological membrane, which protects this bone graft, in order to regenerate an area of the maxilla affected by bone loss.

When do we use a bone graft?


After tooth loss or tooth extraction, the bone undergoes a process of remodelling by default. Where previously there was a tooth root and a tooth now there is an empty space called an alveolus. This alveolus in its healing will collapse and will lose a large volume width and height.

If the dental extractions are consecutive in the maxilla, the bone loss gets worse, it becomes more extensive. When removing a tooth root, it is convenient to perform a bone graft to maintain this volume and that the alveolus does not collapse. Dentist in Vikaspuri calls this procedure alveolar preservation.


The maxillary sinuses are cavities located in the upper jaw, forming part of the airways. Its extension varies from one person to another, usually ranging from upper canine to upper second molar.

When there is a dental loss in the teeth of the maxilla related to the maxillary sinus, it is necessary to perform a bone filling or bone graft inside this maxillary sinus. We leave a link to another previous article on the maxillary sinus lift where we explain this topic in depth.


Periodontal disease is a bacterial disease that occurs with the loss of bone around the teeth, at an advanced stage there is dental mobility and finally premature loss of the teeth.

Once the periodontal disease is treated, the best dentist in Vikaspuri can perform bone grafting on the affected parts in order to prolong the life and function of the tooth in the mouth.


After the popularization of the treatment of dental implants, problems have arisen that can affect the survival of implants.

We are talking about the dreaded peri-implantitis. Bone loss around the implants. The patient may notice bleeding, swelling or redness around the implants. An X-ray will confirm the symptoms of peri-implant disease.

Sometimes Dentist in Janakpuri can perform a bone graft around the implant with problems to stop the process of bone loss.